What are negative energies?
Negative energies can build up in the home and no one suspects that this is the reason for damaging emotions and incidents that take place.
So what are negative energies?
They are unpleasant energies that usually build up over a period of time - sometimes for hundreds of years or longer.
The main cause for negativity is undesirable human emotions and actions. These include anger, jealousy and violence among others.
In addition objects can also have emotions attached to them. This could be a simple as everyday emotions attaching to an object that a person owned for a long time.
A family heirloom or an antique could hold much more complex emotions since they have been used for much longer by various people. It is also possible that some objects may even be haunted, in that the essence of a person in the form of residual energy has latched onto the object. There have also been accounts of the actual spirit of a person attaching to an object such as a bed, chair and so on.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that the energy in the above cases would be negative – often they are harmless.
However, at the other extreme, there can be a build up of energy that is extremely negative. This can cause all kinds of physical and mental health problems for the people living in the vicinity of this energy.
It might only be one room that it’s affected or the entire home.
In addition to extreme human emotions causing a build up of harmful energy, in rare cases this could also be caused by spiritual presences.
Antique and second hand goods can have many layers of negative emotions attached to them that need to be cleansed. Preferably as soon as they are brought into a home. |
Where do negative energies come from?
There are many sources for negative energy, although human thoughts and emotions are the most frequent. However, there are others and they can be grouped into categories such as:
Any form of self defeating emotion or thought such as pessimism, anger, jealousy can build up in the atmosphere.
As with humans any emotion that is not positive can linger and build up in the atmosphere of a room or house
Natural energies
They are found all around us in the environment. When high levels are present, this can cause people to become depressed and anxious.
many of our modern gadgets such as cell phones, microwaves and computers among others can create negative energy.
antiques or second hand objects in particular can hold the energies of the people they belonged to.
This is also the case with handmade objects such as works of art, crafts and so on. If the previous owners had emotional or mental health problems, these negative energies could be attached to the objects.
However, no matter where the negative energy comes from the same basic techniques can be used to cleanse the atmosphere and make it a healthier and more refreshing area to live in.