Tuesday, 22 November 2016

How To

Your Life has a Purpose

Yes there is a meaning to your life – there is a purpose and reason for you being here

I believe we have been put here because you are unique and our creator (whoever that is for you) doesn’t put you here unless there is a purpose and reason for you being here. What you are here to do, create or give out forms part of your destiny. We have come from somewhere and we are going somewhere and there’s a reason why you are here.The meaning to your life is yours and what you do as human beings is driven by desire which creates pain or pleasure for you. What’s guiding and pushing you forward is a sense of purpose and something you have to do as individuals to make a difference and leave a personal legacy.

Moving forward

There are no mistakes in life – everything you do has consequences. Consequences are a direct result of the decisions made in the past. Consequences can arrive as wake up calls which jolts us and then pushes you forward into new levels of thinking to make us grow, change, stretch ourselves to achieve more of our potential as individuals, and to plan where we want to go, to move forward.

Being in Control

Sometimes when we are not in control of our lives it makes us feel uncomfortable and unable to steer our life in the direction we want. It is of great importance to recognise that you are significant as an individual born with a purpose a destiny to fulfil and allowing others to make decisions for you and control your life takes away the very essence of your personality and life force energy to succeed in your own right.

Not getting what you want

This is sometimes a blessing and it can be said that the reason why this happens to so many of us is that there is something more you have to do, give or understand before you can achieve the goal or desired outcome you seek. To put it another way your character is being challenged to grow further to align with your purpose and destiny.
Self-awareness is helpful in understanding yourself better, your strengths and weaknesses and can reveal where you are being challenged to grow as a person. When you start achieving your goals it is sure you have developed your character into new levels required for the goal success.


When you start to achieve your goals, then you have reached a transition where you have aligned and connecting to the core universal energy deep inside every individual. This energy will give you additional inner strength, support and power for developing self-confidence and self-belief necessary to take control of your life to move forward positively.
You will feel energised and excited and that is when things start to happen for you, excitement breeds opportunities as the release of this positive energy fuels progress to your ambitions. This is when you know you have aligned with your purpose your destiny, life becomes exciting and
joyful, things fall into place for you, all the right people appear to assist you on your journey and any challenges are faced with determination to overcome and win through.

Action Plan

Here are some tips on how to align with your true purpose and destiny:
  • Take responsibility for yourself and your life, become stronger emotionally and mentally to take control of where you are right now, and want to go and with determined effort and action to succeed.
  • Understand that when you don’t get what you want there’s a reason – you’re not ready for the new level you seek and you are being challenged to stretch yourself further to learn and develop more of your potential.
  • Wake up calls can happen when we choose to opt out, become reclusive and stagnate in life. You are here for a purpose a reason which is to grow and develop and if this is you, take responsibility to wake yourself up, make changes with an action plan and to do list for moving forward. Don’t waste any more time.
If you follow these simple tips you will be en route to understanding yourself and your life’s purpose with more clarity and your life will take a turn for the better and you are on the road to having an exciting and worthwhile life.
Until next time
