Friday, 25 November 2016

The Four Stages of Life

The Four Stages of Life

Life is a bitch. Then you die. So while staring at my navel the other day, I decided that that bitch happens in four stages. Here they are.


We are born helpless. We can’t walk, can’t talk, can’t feed ourselves, can’t even do our own damn taxes.
As children, the way we’re wired to learn is by watching and mimicking others. First we learn to do physical skills like walk and talk. Then we develop social skills by watching and mimicking our peers around us. Then, finally, in late childhood, we learn to adapt to our culture by observing the rules and norms around us and trying to behave in such a way that is generally considered acceptable by society.
The goal of Stage One is to teach us how to function within society so that we can be autonomous, self-sufficient adults. The idea is that the adults in the community around us help us to reach this point through supporting our ability to make decisions and take action ourselves.
But some adults and community members around us suck.1 They punish us for our independence. They don’t support our decisions. And therefore we don’t develop autonomy. We get stuck in Stage One, endlessly mimicking those around us, endlessly attempting to please all so that we might not be judged.
In a “normal” healthy individual, Stage One will last until late adolescence and early adulthood. For some people, it may last further into adulthood. A select few wake up one day at age 45 realizing they’ve never actually lived for themselves and wonder where the hell the years went.
This is Stage One. The mimicry. The constant search for approval and validation. The absence of independent thought and personal values.
We must be aware of the standards and expectations of those around us. But we must also become strong enough to act in spite of those standards and expectations when we feel it is necessary. We must develop the ability to act by ourselves and for ourselves.


In Stage One, we learn to fit in with the people and culture around us. Stage Two is about learning what makes us different from the people and culture around us. Stage Two requires us to begin making decisions for ourselves, to test ourselves, and to understand ourselves and what makes us unique.
Stage Two involves a lot of trial-and-error and experimentation. We experiment with living in new places, hanging out with new people, imbibing new substances, and playing with new people’s orifices.
Stage Two is a process of self-discovery. We try things. Some of them go well. Some of them don’t. The goal is to stick with the ones that go well and move on.
Man sitting on cliff looking out over clouds
Stage Two lasts until we begin to run up against our own limitations. 
You’re just going to be bad at some things, no matter how hard you try. And you need to know what they are. I am not genetically inclined to ever excel at anything athletic whatsoever. It sucked for me to learn that, but I did. I’m also about as capable of feeding myself as an infant drooling applesauce all over the floor. That was important to find out as well. We all must learn what we suck at. And the earlier in our life that we learn it, the better.
So we’re just bad at some things. Then there are other things that are great for a while, but begin to have diminishing returns after a few years. Traveling the world is one example. Sexing a ton of people is another. Drinking on a Tuesday night is a third. There are many more. Trust me.
Your limitations are important because you must eventually come to the realization that your time on this planet is limited and you should therefore spend it on things that matter most. That means realizing that just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should do it. That means realizing that just because you like certain people doesn’t mean you should be with them. That means realizing that there are opportunity costs to everything and that you can’t have it all.
There are some people who never allow themselves to feel limitations — either because they refuse to admit their failures, or because they delude themselves into believing that their limitations don’t exist. These people get stuck in Stage Two.
These are the “serial entrepreneurs” who are 38 and living with mom and still haven’t made any money after 15 years of trying. These are the “aspiring actors” who are still waiting tables and haven’t done an audition in two years. These are the people who can’t settle into a long-term relationship because they always have a gnawing feeling that there’s someone better around the corner. These are the people who brush all of their failings aside as “releasing” negativity into the universe or “purging” their baggage from their lives.
At some point we all must admit the inevitable: life is short, not all of our dreams can come true, so we should carefully pick and choose what we have the best shot at and commit to it.
But people stuck in Stage Two spend most of their time convincing themselves of the opposite. That they are limitless. That they can overcome all. That their life is that of non-stop growth and ascendance in the world, while everyone else can clearly see that they are merely running in place.
In healthy individuals, Stage Two begins in mid- to late-adolescence and lasts into a person’s mid-20s to mid-30s. People who stay in Stage Two beyond that are popularly referred to as those with “Peter Pan Syndrome” — the eternal adolescents, always discovering themselves, but finding nothing.


Once you’ve pushed your own boundaries and either found your limitations (i.e., athletics, the culinary arts) or found the diminishing returns of certain activities (i.e., partying, video games, masturbation) then you are left with what’s both a) actually important to you, and b) what you’re not terrible at. Now it’s time to make your dent in the world.
Stage Three is the great consolidation of one’s life. Out go the friends who are draining you and holding you back. Out go the activities and hobbies that are a mindless waste of time. Out go the old dreams that are clearly not coming true anytime soon.
Then you double down on what you’re best at and what is best to you. You double down on the most important relationships in your life. You double down on a single mission in life, whether that’s to work on the world’s energy crisis or to be a bitching digital artist or to become an expert in brains or have a bunch of snotty, drooling children. Whatever it is, Stage Three is when you get it done.
Tattooed man with baby
Stage Three is all about maximizing your own potential in this life. It’s all about building your legacy. What will you leave behind when you’re gone? What will people remember you by? Whether that’s a breakthrough study or an amazing new product or an adoring family, Stage Three is about leaving the world a little bit different than the way you found it.
Stage Three ends when a combination of two things happen: 1) you feel as though there’s not much else you are able to accomplish, and 2) you get old and tired and find that you would rather sip martinis and do crossword puzzles all day.
In “normal” individuals, Stage Three generally lasts from around 30-ish-years-old until one reaches retirement age.
People who get lodged in Stage Three often do so because they don’t know how to let go of their ambition and constant desire for more. This inability to let go of the power and influence they crave counteracts the natural calming effects of time and they will often remain driven and hungry well into their 70s and 80s.


People arrive into Stage Four having spent somewhere around half a century investing themselves in what they believed was meaningful and important. They did great things, worked hard, earned everything they have, maybe started a family or a charity or a political or cultural revolution or two, and now they’re done. They’ve reached the age where their energy and circumstances no longer allow them to pursue their purpose any further.
The goal of Stage Four then becomes not to create a legacy as much as simply making sure that legacy lasts beyond one’s death.
This could be something as simple as supporting and advising their (now grown) children and living vicariously through them. It could mean passing on their projects and work to a protégé or apprentice. It could also mean becoming more politically active to maintain their values in a society that they no longer recognize.
Old Woman Praying
Stage Four is important psychologically because it makes the ever-growing reality of one’s own mortality more bearable. As humans, we have a deep need to feel as though our lives mean something. This meaning we constantly search for is literally our only psychological defense against the incomprehensibility of this life and the inevitability of our own death.6 To lose that meaning, or to watch it slip away, or to slowly feel as though the world has left you behind, is to stare oblivion in the face and let it consume you willingly.


Developing through each subsequent stage of life grants us greater control over our happiness and well-being.7
In Stage One, a person is wholly dependent on other people’s actions and approval to be happy. This is a horrible strategy because other people are unpredictable and unreliable.
In Stage Two, one becomes reliant on oneself, but they’re still reliant on external success to be happy — making money, accolades, victory, conquests, etc. These are more controllable than other people, but they are still mostly unpredictable in the long-run.
Stage Three relies on a handful of relationships and endeavors that proved themselves resilient and worthwhile through Stage Two. These are more reliable. And finally, Stage Four requires we only hold on to what we’ve already accomplished as long as possible.
At each subsequent stage, happiness becomes based more on internal, controllable values and less on the externalities of the ever-changing outside world.


Later stages don’t replace previous stages. They transcend them. Stage Two people still care about social approval. They just care about something more than social approval. Stage 3 people still care about testing their limits. They just care more about the commitments they’ve made.
Each stage represents a reshuffling of one’s life priorities. It’s for this reason that when one transitions from one stage to another, one will often experience a fallout in one’s friendships and relationships. If you were Stage Two and all of your friends were Stage Two, and suddenly you settle down, commit and get to work on Stage Three, yet your friends are still Stage Two, there will be a fundamental disconnect between your values and theirs that will be difficult to overcome.
Generally speaking, people project their own stage onto everyone else around them. People at Stage One will judge others by their ability to achieve social approval. People at Stage Two will judge others by their ability to push their own boundaries and try new things. People at Stage Three will judge others based on their commitments and what they’re able to achieve. People at Stage Four judge others based on what they stand for and what they’ve chosen to live for.


Self-development is often portrayed as a rosy, flowery progression from dumbass to enlightenment that involves a lot of joy, prancing in fields of daisies, and high-fiving two thousand people at a seminar you paid way too much to be at.
Street graffiti showing abstract human portrait
But the truth is that transitions between the life stages are usually triggered by trauma or an extreme negative event in one’s life. A near-death experience. A divorce. A failed friendship or a death of a loved one.
Trauma causes us to step back and re-evaluate our deepest motivations and decisions. It allows us to reflect on whether our strategies to pursue happiness are actually working well or not.


The same thing gets us stuck at every stage: a sense of personal inadequacy.
People get stuck at Stage One because they always feel as though they are somehow flawed and different from others, so they put all of their effort into conforming into what those around them would like to see. No matter how much they do, they feel as though it is never enough.
Stage Two people get stuck because they feel as though they should always be doing more, doing something better, doing something new and exciting, improving at something. But no matter how much they do, they feel as though it is never enough.
Stage Three people get stuck because they feel as though they have not generated enough meaningful influence in the world, that they make a greater impact in the specific areas that they have committed themselves to. But no matter how much they do, they feel as though it is never enough.8
One could even argue that Stage Four people feel stuck because they feel insecure that their legacy will not last or make any significant impact on the future generations. They cling to it and hold onto it and promote it with every last gasping breath. But they never feel as though it is enough.
The solution at each stage is then backwards. To move beyond Stage One, you must accept that you will never be enough for everybody all the time, and therefore you must make decisions for yourself.
To move beyond Stage Two, you must accept that you will never be capable of accomplishing everything you can dream and desire, and therefore you must zero in on what matters most and commit to it.
To move beyond Stage Three, you must realize that time and energy are limited, and therefore you must refocus your attention to helping others take over the meaningful projects you began.
To move beyond Stage Four, you must realize that change is inevitable, and that the influence of one person, no matter how great, no matter how powerful, no matter how meaningful, will eventually dissipate too.
And life will go on.
  1. Often this occurs because the adults/community themselves are still stuck in Stage One.
  2. Some people who get stuck in Stage One get stuck because they come to believe that they will never be able to fit in. These people usually succumb to some form of distraction, depression or addiction.
  3. I put normal in quotes because, really, what the fuck is normal?
  4. Stages can overlap to a certain extent. Transitioning between them is never black/white. It happens gradually. And often with some emotional stress and major lifestyle changes.
  5. This applies to the rare individuals who are talented and capable enough to still remain highly influential and relevant into their 70s and 80s as well. Stage Three doesn’t end until the desire for some peace and quiet outweighs one’s ability to affect change in the world. Some people die without ever leaving Stage Three.
  6. Research shows that generally people become happier and more satisfied as their lives go on.
  7. One way to think about it is that people who are stuck at Stage Two always feel as though they need more breadth of experience, whereas Stage Three people get stuck because they always feel as though they need more depth.



"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

Albert Einstein

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

How To Improve The Quality of Your Life

How To Improve The Quality of Your Life

Have you ever asked the following question?

What makes some people’s lives different from others?

Why is it that some people are more fulfilled and successful than others and achieve great things in life, even though they perhaps started out life with nothing and had setbacks that deemed them to failure? These people appear to have been gifted with great ‘emotional muscle’ that kept their spirit alive to succeed. A ‘self belief’, that determined for them that they would succeed against all odds.
And yet there are others who have been given everything in life rarely achieve personal fulfilment or success because life is too easy and they cannot be bothered to make changes in their behaviour patterns to motivate and challenge them to achieve more of who they are, regardless of their material success.
The great achievers in life have learned that success can only be measured by our fulfilment in life, from our work, our relationships. Meaning that unless we enjoy what we do and continue daily to work on improving ourselves as individuals and our relationships with others, life can become meaningless and boring and quickly leads to stagnation and hence stress.
If you find yourself at a crossroads in your life, then you need to be asking yourself the following question. ‘Who am I? Answer this question honestly, as this is going to determine where you are, how far you have come in life and even where you now want to go.
Once you have answered that question then you need to ask yourself three further questions, which will gauge if you are really living your life with joy and excitement or whether you are just existing from day to day with little hope that things can get better for you.
  • Do I live my life fully
  • Do I love enough
  • Am I significant

Do I live my life fully ?

This can be measured by the amount of consistency you live with. Consistency can be good it’s about loyalty, trust and reliability which are all good character traits, but in order to achieve much more from your life you need to develop yourself beyond this level of thinking and set challenges for further personal growth and accomplishment. Don’t measure yourself by the hopes and dreams of your parents, your teacher but by your own dreams and aspirations. Learn to take risks, step outside of your comfort zone and experience more of life.

Do I love enough?

Do I constantly work on my relationships with others, do I give enough attention and appreciation to those that matter in my life. Ask yourself am I open with my feelings and emotions and could I give out more of myself to others. Love is what makes the world go round.

Am I significant – do I matter?

Do you live a good life?
Am I living my purpose?
Do I make a difference to everyone around me and to the world? Am I contributing my skills, talents and kindness out to other?
If you do not feel you are significant and have much to offer then Self Awareness is the key to understanding yourself better, your life path and the challenges on offer.
Mr Tony Robbins, personal development guru from the USA talks about CANE as the key to self awareness and developing yourself fully, to achieve greater personal happiness in all areas of your life. He uses this CANE concept in mastering his life and goals.


Constant and never ending improvement
This concept when practised daily will eventually improve the quality of your life. If you are constantly focusing on improving all aspects of your life, your work, your relationships and goals, then you are taking control of your personal power and emotions to drive your life in the direction you wish it to go. Commit yourself right now to take action to build momentum and self mastery.
Remember It’s not what happens in your life, it’s what you do with what happens is the key to success and achievement.

Today – A New Beginning

Today – A New Beginning

It is all possible

When you take charge of your life you go in a new direction, you can start making more money, be healthier, spend more time with your family, and start to really enjoy your life.
You can actually start to do all the things you enjoy doing, and you learn not to put things off until tomorrow but instead get things done today. You change things, you create a new life and that means you can start to get what you want from life.
By adopting this attitude and approach means you have started to believe in yourself, and this releases tremendous power for you to accomplish your goals. You realise that you really are a powerful person and that you can take control and direct your mind to bring you exactly what you want.
You eliminate all your negative thoughts and negative beliefs and put aside any fears and doubts…just imagine that anything you want is possible. Close your eyes and just imagine that you
have everything you want right now.

It is all possible

You can achieve the goals you want, your subconscious mind is always working for you. It’s always creating and shaping your life and the thoughts and beliefs you have, make that happen. Your subconscious mind simply responds to your instructions. So you need to give it the right instructions and you’ll get exactly what you want.
So if you’re not living the life you want or don’t have the success you want, or not making the kind of income you want, or not in the kind of relationship you want, then believe me you are not sending the right messages to your subconscious mind. In fact you’re sending the wrong messages. And that’s why things never get better instead they appear to get worse. The reason being is that your subconscious mind believes that you want things to get worse – because that’s the messages you are giving it.
You see it’s just following your instructions, which are your thoughts and beliefs. Remember your subconscious mind doesn’t decide what’s best for you. You decide what’s best for you. Your
subconscious mind simply follows your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes to create the picture and thoughts you are feeding it.
So if you have a mind filled with negative thoughts and doubts, and don’t believe you can achieve what you want or that you can succeed. With this negative attitude and approach then you
are really creating your own misery. This leads to making the wrong choices and not doing things right which leads to you struggling even more. With this negative attitude it leads to lack of confidence and your self- belief starts to wane leading to self-doubt and you start believing that this is the way it is meant to be. But it doesn’t have to be like that.
You can turn things around. All you have to do is change your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes. So that they’re focused on what you want and not what you don’t want. Then you’ll turn things around quickly and easily. You’ll direct your subconscious mind to bring you exactly what you want. You’ll put an end to any misery and struggle.
Make today a new beginning and direct your subconscious mind to bring you exactly what you want You can achieve your goals and you can live the life you want. You are a powerful person. You are more powerful than you realise. You can achieve anything you want when you believe that you can.
Start doing that today
Tell your subconscious mind exactly what you want so that you now get exactly what you want It’s all about adopting a positive attitude and believe you can succeed.

The World is Changing Fast

The World is Changing Fast

The Benefits of One-to-One Coaching

In order to stay ahead and be successful we need to keep developing ourselves. Your current problems or issues are just stumbling blocks. When you are ready and willing to examine all the opportunities, come up with new ideas, and agree to take small guided actions towards what is important for you… you will find these stumbling blocks actually turning into stepping stones.
The benefits of working with a coach will help you identify key areas of your life that need adjustment and further development. You will start to see the wood from the trees, what is important, and what can be left for another day.
Remember you are the expert of your life, your vision, and how you want it to be. Your coach is an expert in helping to motivate you to understanding yourself better, moving you towards your individual brilliance and attainment of all your desires.
Self awareness, self discovery is the key to you knowing and understanding yourself better. Coaching is a holistic approach that works, whether facing a major life change, or needing support through improving your relationships, self image, confidence or improve your everyday performance. You will learn to sometimes say “no” to others when you need to work on your business or that you simply want some fun and happiness in your life.

Great Achievers

Listed below are a few quotations from some of our great leaders and great achievers in life who know the benefits of constant and never ending self improvement and self awareness.
Know thyself.
Sometimes in your life you will go on a journey. It will be the longest journey you have ever taken. It is the journey to find yourself.
Katherine Sharp
I believe that life is a journey, often difficult and sometimes incredibly cruel, but we are well equipped for it if only we tap into our talents and gifts and allow them to blossom
Les Brown
What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.
Abraham Maslow
Improving and transforming yourself and your life is an ongoing process. Find your sense of purpose, your destiny or dreams that you wish to fulfil. Ask yourself this question.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Stop Making Excuses for Your Failures

Stop Making Excuses for Your Failures

Wake Up and manage your life for achievement

From today you will have no more doubts or failure in your life, no more “I’ll start tomorrow” No More I’ll wait for Monday or next week and no more excuses, and putting things off.
Today you start your new life, your new way of thinking Today you will start making changes with zest, commitment, effort and action. Today you will start the action plan for achieving your goals. Today you will succeed in beginning to manage your life for personal and business success. You will do this by directing your subconscious mind and inner powers to create the life you now desire and want. You are ready for change and are happy to take responsibility for the new directions you seek.
To achieve happiness and greater success you have first to understand that all achievement requires taking control to manage your life. You take the helm of your ship and direct the ship to where you want it to go. So think of the ship as your life. You’re in charge and control of your life, no-one else, so you can now direct it in the direction you wish to go.
The next thing you must do is to stop blaming other people for any failings in your life – I hear this all the time in my coaching work – people making excuses why they haven’t achieved the success they seek and there’s always a reason why, excuses range from having children to health issues, their spouse, even owning a dog, shall I go on, the list can be endless.
Whatever excuses you have made in the past for not achieving, these now have to stop. All of the negative excuses will cease to be when you adopt a much more progressive and winning attitude towards where you want to take your life and what it is you exactly want to achieve. Once the excitement kicks in and you start to see things changing in your favour and to your advantage then all the past excuses in the world will not stop you with your new found confidence and self belief on your journey to success and achievement. You started the process and now it is running.
Once you have moved into these new levels of thinking and believing, I want you to take a look at where you are in your life right now, what you have created and achieved so far to date. This represents all the decisions you have made in the past that have led you to this point in time. Have the decisions you’ve made been good for you or could you have done things differently? Well we all learn from making right and wrong decisions. But now things are going to be different you have the opportunity to paint a picture of your life the way you want it to be. To make the right decisions that work for you, choices that will set your life in the direction you want it to go.
This is an exciting time for people as we embrace the freedom we have with inter-dependency and free will in our life. We are all individuals and autonomous in our thoughts and behaviour, but this individuality can be threatened when we allow our self confidence and self belief to slip in our relationships with others as our emotional insecurities come to the fore and rising above them can be difficult. Stress develops from emotional insecurities.
Now we have established more about taking charge and managing your life -this is the year you are going to get things done. This is now your year.
This is the year you will succeed, think it, believe it and make it happen.
You may want to make more money or get a better job, but if you don’t think and believe you can – you won’t.

Set yourself up to Achieve

Whatever it is you want to achieve, you can do it when you direct your subconscious mind and your inner power to start working for you. If you want to make more money, meet the right person, lose weight, improve your health, whatever it is you want to achieve, this is your year to make it happen.
Forget about past failings of last year and the year’s before, they don’t matter this is a fresh start for you now. This time you will succeed. To guarantee this success means you have to change your thinking to become more solution oriented and programme your subconscious mind to attract the success and achievement you desire. This means filling yourself with positive thoughts and feelings for success and achievement. It means believing in yourself, believing in your capabilities, developing self belief and confidence that will carry you onto achieve.
A Winning Attitude Workshops and Licensed Training and Coaching Program aims to get you on the road to achieving more success by helping you adopt positive winning attitudes to attract success and working with your behaviour and habits to ensure you embrace new levels of understanding to realise that effort and action brings you closer to achieving your goals. It is as simple as that.
So start now get rid of any negative thoughts that have kept you in the place you find yourself in right now and be determined to see every day as an opportunity to attract all the things and people you want to achieve the successes you want. Remembering to keep your expectations realistic and achievable and you will make headway and you will make progress in the direction you seek. Every day you will see things working to your advantage, things starting to happen and you will feel excited that your life is now starting to change for the better.
All the thoughts and beliefs you have are planted in your subconscious mind and your inner powers follow your thoughts and beliefs. So what you think and believe is what you get.
You may want to lose weight but if you don’t think and believe that you can – you won’t.
You may want to make more money or get a better job, but if you don’t think and believe you can – you won’t. So your subconscious mind and inner powers are constantly creating the life you want by following your thoughts and beliefs. So start to give them the right instructions and you will succeed in achieving what you want.
Remember what I said this year is going to be different for you, this year you are going to take responsibility to make things happen, and this year you are going to change your attitudes and behaviour in order to attract the right people and situations to you that bring about the success you want and deserve. Don’t let self doubt, negative thoughts and lack of motivation keep you stuck any longer.
This year you will succeed, this year you will get what you want, this year you will direct your subconscious mind and your inner powers to bring you what you want. It’s all about you; believe in yourself, your capabilities and your significance. This year it’s your turn, wake up and make it all happen for you!
Until next time,

You Are Powerful – Believe It

You Are Powerful – Believe It

Do you know that you are more powerful than you think

You have tremendous power as an individual and by applying this power you can achieve what you want to lead the life you want.
What I am going to share with you is how to direct this energy and power to start making all kinds of changes for improvement in all areas of your life.
You see when you apply this power correctly you can make more money, grow your business improve personal relationships, have more fun, free time for travel and more importantly reduce stress levels.
You probably have never heard or spoken about this inner power, but believe me it exists. It’s the core of you and is the driving force behind everything you think, do and achieve in life. So you can now see the importance of understanding how best to direct it to make anything possible in your life.
Well to get started you need to understand that this energy, this power which is as I said the central hub of your being is constantly at work and you are everyday directing and applying this power through your thoughts, beliefs and the words you use.

Adopt a positive attitude

So perhaps now you can appreciate just how by adopting a positive attitude towards people and situation will always work in your favour. This power is your subconscious mind, which is connected to your higher mind/power and is connected to everyone and everything. Your subconscious mind will bring you the people, situations and opportunities that mirror what you say, think and believe. It cannot help to work in your favour, positive energy (thoughts and beliefs) attracts positive energy and negative energy (doubts and fears) attracts negative responses.
I want you to start to direct and apply this power to work for you. You will find that people and situations will start to change and things start working in your favour. When you truly believe that you have control of this power through your thoughts, beliefs, words and actions then you have reached a truly remarkable stage in your personal development. You see you can achieve anything you want in life if you direct this power to work for you positively every day, it’s as simple as that.

Stop thinking negatively

So now is the time to get rid of those worries, fears and doubts about your life, relationship, work and money, this is you thinking negatively and with this attitude things will just get harder and harder for you. You see when you are negative you will make the wrong choices, you will mix and associate with people who don’t really help you. You will attract the wrong relationships and you could also make the wrong financial choices and decisions. I don’t want this to happen for you, your life just becomes harder and you can end up really struggling and stressed.
You see when you use your inner power negatively they create blocks in your subconscious mind, which in turn blocks your success and prevents you from breaking though using your power positively to achieve what you want. In essence you will be creating a negative life for yourself, and not using the creative power and energy you were born with to generate happiness and success for yourself.
So if you are not making the money you would like, or living the life you really want then you are stuck and blocked in thinking negatively about everything in your life. You have to get rid of these blocks and negative statements and remember nothing will change until you do. Start directing your power to create the new life you now want.
The longer you use your power negatively the longer you will have the blocks to success and happiness. So start making a note of when you speak negatively or you become doubtful about situations and fear making choices or changes. Remember when directing your power negatively, the end result that you will attract will be negative and not what you wished for.
Keep control of your power, it’s yours, you were born with it. You were born to be successful, born to be significant and talented. It’s now time for you to take charge and direct your mind, beliefs and expectations to work for you to bring you the life you really want.
I wish you every success.